Labour pledges to:
Implement our Green New Deal and make sure the Council leads on reduce emissions.
Protect bin collections, improving recycling, and crack down on flytipping.
Retrofit homes to reduce bills and carbon.
Clean and green our streets with action on air quality, sustainable transport and a vision for 15 minute neighbourhoods.
Sustainable Streets and Neighbourhoods
- Working with residents to transform our streets and neighbourhoods
- Put sustainability and greening at the heart of everything we do.
- Move towards being a 15-minute city, where most resident needs can be reached within a quarter of an hour by foot or bike.
- Improve access to green space.
Sustainable Transport and Clean Air
- Encourage active travel by creating more safe and pleasant routes for walking and cycling, designed in partnership with residents. Our ambition is to make Westminster the best borough to walk in.
- Reduce freight traffic and tackle congestion on our roads.
- Improve air quality levels all across Westminster.
Tackling Waste and Recycling
- Increase recycling rates across our city.
- Maintain or improve the number of bin collections each week and reduce flytipping.
- Support and expand efforts to cut down on single use plastics.
A Green New Deal for Westminster
- Continually work with residents, businesses, the voluntary sector and experts to find opportunities to tackle the climate crisis.
- Hard-wire climate action into decision making across all Council departments.
- Ensure the private sector is working towards net zero on a similar timeline to us.